
  • Virgin Mary?

    At the time of Christianity’s creation, it was common to find narratives involving romantic unions between gods and mortals. These stories, far from being exclusive to Christianity, were often used to legitimize important figures and attract community adherence.

  • Let’s Be Careful

    As communists, we must analyze the military aspect of a revolution. We must defend revolutionary forces to the utmost and preserve the pre-existing productive capacity as much as possible. The historical lessons of the Paris Commune and the Russian Revolution are essential for study. Despite the bourgeois media portraying the Russian Revolution as a bloody…

  • Studies on the origins of Christianity – Part 1

    I am starting to write about the things I have learned from reading the book “Foundations of Christianity” by Karl Kautsky. I have always been a strong critic of religions for various reasons: they fail to explain our world in a minimally accurate way and rely on mystical concepts in their explanations. Religion has also…

  • After all, what to expect from 2025?

    Well, personally or in a broader sense? One thing ends up encompassing the other, giving a clearer direction. In general, I’m worried about the direction the world is taking. If we rely solely on newspapers for information, we’ll become even more concerned, although they are still one of the best sources of information today.

  • Avicii and the Exploitation of Human Beings

    Avicii and the Exploitation of Human Beings

    After watching the Netflix documentary about Avicii, I decided to delve deeper into the idea of the overexploitation of human beings in all class-based societies throughout history. I say all because, even before our current capitalist system, there were various economic systems in more primitive societies.