
  • Entrism and Its Origins

    Entrism and Its Origins

    Entrism was not an isolated invention but rather a dialectical evolution of revolutionary tactics. From Lenin to Trotsky and later Ted Grant, it transformed from a temporary tool into a more refined strategy adapted to concrete realities. Lenin never formulated Entrism as a separate tactic, but his strategy of revolutionary organization already suggested the necessity…

  • Are You Worried?

    Are You Worried?

    With the start of the Trump administration in 2025, beginning tomorrow in the U.S., only one thing is certain: the contradictions of capitalism will continue to intensify. Trump, a prominent demagogue, is not only a result of his bombastic rhetoric but also a symptom of global economic conditions. He was elected as the candidate who…

  • Cease Fire on Gaza

    Cease Fire on Gaza

    A ceasefire between Hamas and Israel appears to have been signed today, bringing, at least temporarily, an end to the genocide carried out by the Israelis at the expense of the Palestinian people. However, since none of the contradictions of the capitalist system have been resolved, I suspect that the massacre will restart at some…

  • Some thoughts about the United States election

    Some thoughts about the United States election

    Given Trump’s recent re-election in the USA, I have several thoughts about the future:

  • Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party

    Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party

    Today I woke up without much energy to work, feeling a bit disappointed with everything. I just watched an interview with American Senator Bernie Sanders about why the American elections elected Trump. He seems to believe that the issue was simply that the Democratic Party abandoned the working class. Well, they did abandon them, but…

  • Baby steps to reduce our workload

    Baby steps to reduce our workload

    Recently, I saw in the newspapers a news about an amendment to the constitution whose objective would be to reduce the working hours of workers to 36 hours a week instead of the current 44 hours. Many will argue that this is not the way to go and that work ennobles. Here is the question:…

  • Strikes as a Social Thermometer: Analyzing Labor Movements in Brazil

    Strikes as a Social Thermometer: Analyzing Labor Movements in Brazil

    While reading “In Defense of Lenin” by Alan Woods and Rob Sewell, I noticed that Lenin constantly monitored the number of strikes occurring in Russia each year. For him, these statistics acted as a thermometer of the mood of the working class, almost as indicators of the dialectical changes the population was undergoing. At that…

  • G20 in Brazil

    With the G20 meeting set to take place in Brazil, Lula must be thrilled with the stage that has been set for him. He likely sees this as an opportunity to showcase Brazil’s importance and his own stature as a statesman on the world stage. The recent election of Trump and the political shifts to…

  • Biden authorizes Ukraine to use U.S. weapons in attacks on Russian territory

    Biden authorizes Ukraine to use U.S. weapons in attacks on Russian territory

    Some people really want to see the world in pieces. American imperialism has just authorized the use of American weapons to attack targets within Russia. Biden, as he turns off the lights in the White House, decides to measure how much Russia can withstand American provocations and has just doubled down.

  • Some thoughts about the war on Europe

    Some thoughts about the war on Europe

    War is always initiated by the ruling class of a country and declared against the same class in another nation. You might argue that Russians support the war, but we cannot ignore the ideological campaign driven by the media. The national identity is a construct of this ruling class, using the same methods of influence.…